
In every interaction, Dave impresses as an experienced and knowledgeable executive, with a passion for business success, and the tools to achieve it.

Most recently he has helped us significantly with the formation and development of a new operating team, which is just beginning to operate in a challenging change environment.  I have known Dave Schroeder for nearly two years.

In that time we have worked on several projects, with Dave filling different roles in each of those projects. His ability to develop and articulate strategy, link that strategy to operating objectives and metrics, while developing a team, is truly remarkable.

Chuck Peters
President  & Chief Executive Officer, The Gazette Company
Cedar Rapids, IA

There are many consultants who can develop a strategy or outline tactics to improve productivity and profits.   Few of them have actually executed on their strategies and tactics to deliver shareowner value.  Dave has not only developed, he has delivered!

I have worked with Dave for almost a decade.  During that time, he has built a profitable global business, withstood the tech crash in 2000, invested in emerging markets such as Asia and Eastern Europe, and built a mergers and acquisitions process while serving as a global business unit leader and then as our CFO.

Dave was a valuable member of my leadership team at Brady Corporation.  He is a fact-based decision maker who has the sensitivity to understand the impact those decisions might have on the people of an organization.

Dave is an engaged listener who can synthesize a multiplicity of inputs into a straightforward course of action.

Kathy Hudson
Retired Chief Executive Officer, Brady Corporation
Milwaukee, WI

Dave’s substantial experience, considerable intellect, and profound analytical capabilities allow him to synthesize complex business challenges into sensible, actionable strategies.

This, paired with a unique ability to build, focus, and inspire excellent teams, makes him an extremely impactful, results-oriented service provider.  Wrap this professional competence with the honesty and integrity of his personal character, and the obvious passion with which he conduct himself, he represents a powerfully effective resource for Boards and senior level management teams seeking to effect lasting change.

Rick Boutilier
Chief Executive Officer,  Intermatic Inc.
Spring Grove, IL

I’ve known Dave for nearly twenty years and worked with him as a peer operating executive at Brady Corporation.  Later, he served as a fellow director on the board of a large manufacturing and distribution company serving the hotel and hospitality markets.  In each case, I’ve been impressed with Dave’s ability to boil down complex business challenges into a clear statement of the problem or opportunity and then couple it with a clear and sensible path forward.

He is able to clearly connect long term strategies with the straightforward tactics necessary for success. His extensive background with global markets served through a wide variety of sales channels make him a valuable resource to anyone attempting to make substantial and sustainable change in their organization.

Dick Fisk
Chairman of the Board, Demco,Inc.
Retired President, Seton Identification